Madam Parkers House of Pleasure

Madam Parkers English was fluent, even though she originally came from Yugoslavia.

Many years ago, she had come to England and set up business here.

She herself had been a victim rape, a hideous a war crime.

She had been just 15 years old when the solders had come into her village and searched all the houses.

When they came into her house, she had been dragged into her parent’s bedroom, they held her in the bedroom until an older solder arrived, he was an office. She could still remember how he looked her up, and then asked how old she was. She told him her age, then he said something to the other four soldiers in the room and they pounced on her, quickly pulling and ripping her clothes off until she was naked, then they pulled her onto the bed  two of them holding her down on the bed while the other two soldiers grabbed hold of her ankles and pulled her legs apart, they held her legs wide apart while the officer examined her to see if she was still a virgin. The officer had stood between her opened legs prodding her with his finger until he was satisfied, she was still a virgin.

She had never been touched by a man before that day. He’d then patted her leg telling her he was very pleased she was a virgin. Then horrified she’d watched him undo his belt and open his trousers. She had screamed and struggled, but the solders had held her. She could still vividly remember how he’d raped her, the pain, his thrusting. The terrible shame of what he did to her.

The rape didn’t take long, as soon as he’d finished and got of her, she saw him wipe her virgin blood of his penis. He’d laughed, telling her she should be thankful that her first man was an officer from the imperial guard. She never saw him again, apparently it was known that he liked to rape innocent young girls. he even paid his soldiers to search the villages to find them for him.

As soon as the officer had left the room, the other soldiers took it in turns to rape her.

They kept her in the bedroom for nearly four days.

Day and night, soldiers would come to the room and she’d been repeatable raped by them. two chairs were next to the bed, most of the time they were occupied with one or two soldiers waiting to take their turn, as soon as the one between her legs had finished using her another soldier would take his place.

After that terrible ordeal. she had quickly learnt how easy it was to use her body, first to get food, then money.

Soon she became a very hard young business woman.

Finally coming to England, finding other girls to work for her, setting up her own club, she had started to make a lot of money.

Unfortunately, the internet had put an end to that business. Men now found girls online, there were so many and so cheap, even the porn industry was coming to an end, online porn was now easily available and mostly free.

She had even thought about KP porn, but she just couldn’t do that, and it would have been a very risky business. The internet was now policed, and men were frightened even to look at or download anything like that.

But now she had a new business, and it was very profitable. She had a small circle of elite clients that she had built up over the years, very wealthy discreet, mostly foreign gentlemen, who were prepared to pay extremely large amounts of money for the special service she offered.

These wealthy older men only wanted very pretty, young girls with the one exception the girls had to be virgins. They wanted innocent pretty girls that had never been touched by a man before. Nice, decent young girls that had kept their legs together and saved themselves.

Most important was that the girl’s hymen had to be still intact, it was definite proof of her virginity and these men wanted to see virgin blood on their penises, they would pay a lot of money for the enjoyment of taking a young girl’s innocence.

Her customers didn’t want to participate in a brutal rape, with the girl fighting, struggling, and scratching as she desperately tried to save her virtue, they wanted submissive young girls, whose will to resist had been broken.

Madam knew just how to groom the girls and break there will to resist, usually it took only one good session with the powerful electric prodder, or the threat of an injection. But now she had a new drug, just a few drops in their drink, it was nearly tasteless and just added a little sweetness to the taste. It worked perfectly; the girl was fully awake but not capable of resisting.



Madam was waiting in the hall as the African Minister came down the stairs. She could see by the grin on his face, that he had been well satisfied with the pretty little dark-haired bitch she’d found for him.

The coloured gentleman thanked her, adding, that next month he would be in England again and he would like it, if she could find him something similar again, obviously the girl would have to virginal, but he would prefer a girl with a bit more tit on her.

Madam told him as he went out the front door, that she would do her best, but it was very difficult to find girls of that age that were still virgins.

When a new girls arrived at Madam Parkers, she would first be forced to pose in front of the camera. The girls photos, her age and that she was a certified virgin, this info would all be posted online for potential buyers to view before the girl was auctioned.  

Downstaires below the room where the dark-haired girl was being held, Madam Parker sat at her desk, well that wasn’t her real name, but her clients knew her as Madame Parker.

On her laptop, she studied the photos of two young schoolgirls, that she had just received from one of her scouts.


Both girls were slim and very pretty, real stunners, the scout had added a note:  Decent girls, both from church going familys.

Madam Parker smiled to herself, an Arab, one of her wealthiest customers had just asked her to find a girl for him, and one these girls would be just right for him, she just hoped the pretty little bitches had kept their legs together, if they were both virgins, then she would make a small fortune selling their virginity.


Madam knew, once she gave the order for the young girls to be collected, that nice young girl’s life would be ruined. But business is business and young virgin girls always went for a very good price.


Her Arab customers only wanted young blond virgins. She also had a lot of African customers, the blacks weren’t bothered, blond or brunet, it didn’t matter to them, the girl just had to be young, white and still a virgin.

She only had one girl on the premises now, a young dark haired, sweet little virgin.

This was the link to a short video she had sent out to a few of her good customers by email.


Emai an......

Just arrived:

Very Pretty young English girl, A clean pure and untouched virgin,  I have personally examined her and can assure you she has never been penitrated. Her hymen is completely intact not broken, torn or stretched, and the girls anal is still virginal.  Bidding as usual, let me know your best offer by midnight.

The winning bidder will be entitled to spend up to 24 hours with the girl. Also there are options for second and third position, immediately after the winning bidder has finished with her.

Have a look you will not be disapointed. A video link was in the email. ( VIDEO HERE)




Only a few hours after she had sent out the video the girl had been sold to a minister from a small African country, she was now ready and waiting in the room upstaires. Her buyer would be arriving shortly.


Looking at the pretty young girls photo on her computer again, she sent a reply, confirming the girls should be collected.


Madam was waiting in the hall as the African Minister came down the stairs. She could see by the grin on his face, that he had been well satisfied with the pretty little dark-haired bitch she’d found for him.

The coloured gentleman thanked her, adding, that next month he would be in England again and he would like it, if she could find him something similar again, obviously the girl would have to virginal, but he would prefer a girl with a bit more tit on her.

Madam told him as he went out the front door, that she would do her best but it was very difficult to find girls of that age that were still virgins.

Upstairs in the room where the gentleman had just come from, a young girl was lying flat on the bed, her legs still spread wide apart with a chain round one of her ankles, her tearful eyes flat and dull staring up at the ceiling. The horrible man had gone now, finally, after he’d finished doing to her what he’d wanted to

She could feel a burning pain between her legs, and a throbbing ache up inside her tummy, from where the black man’s large penis had been up inside her.

It had hurt so much.

But he’d just kept thrusting and pushing his large penis further and further up inside her. Forcibly opening and stretching her small tight vagina, until eventually he was able to get the full length of his large penis pushed right up inside her.

Once he had achieved full penetration, he started quickly jerking himself back and forth in side her, using her like an animal to satisfy his lust.

She was all wet between her legs now, she knew the man hadn’t used a condom. Blood and sperm were now oozing out of her opened vagina and dribbling down onto the sheet between her legs. she knew she was bleeding from her vagina. the blood frightened her.

She closed her eyes, trying to forget what the horrible old black man had just done to her.


The first time he came into the room, he had sat next to her on the bed and asked her how old she was and what her name was.

He spoke English with a very strong foreign accent. He told her she was a very beautiful young girl and that he liked white girls.

Then the horrible old black man had put his hand on her leg, he even tried to put his hand up under her skirt.

She’d screamed at him and pushed his hand away, jumped up from the bed to get away from him telling him not to touch her. She told him angrily then, that she wasn’t like that, she wasn’t that type of girl. Who did he think he was trying to touch her? he better keep his hands to himself, he was not to touch her again, or he would get into very big trouble from her father and the police,

He left the room then and the girl hoped she would never see the horrible black man again.


Outside the room the black man spoke to the Madam Parker.

He was very pleased with the girl, but he didn’t like it when the girls were difficult, and this proud little white bitch was obviously going to be difficult. She wasn’t going to give up her virtue easily.

He preferred it when the young girls had been prepared beforehand, so they were frightened enough to know what would happen to them if they resisted his advances.


Steffi was frightened now and standing in the corner of the room, she was really upset because the old black man had tried to touch her.

She just wanted to go home. They had kidnapped her the day before yesterday, on her way home from school, she had no idea where she was and what they wanted her for.


The door opened and the women came in. She told her she was a good girl and not to be frightened, the women assured her that nothing was going to happen to her.  

She had a glass of orange with her, Steffi hadn’t had a drink apart from a bottle of water that had been in the room when she was brought here.

 She’d been kept in this room and the door to the toilet was locked today, so she was thirsty and very thankful for the drink, even if it was a very sweet tasting orange juice, she drank it all and emptied the glass.

Then she told the woman that the coloured man wasn’t a very nice person and he had tried to touch her.

The women told her to come and sit on the bed and tell what had happened.

Steffi sat on the bed telling the women that the horrible man had sat next to her on the bed and he’d put his hand on her leg, and he even tried to put his hand up under her skirt.

She started crying and begged the woman to let her go home, her parents would be really worried now, she just wanted to go home.

It was then, that she suddenly felt different, her vision seemed to blur a little bit and her arms and legs started feeling so heavy.

She told the women that she didn’t feel right.

The women was telling her, everything was going to be all right, she was saying, it will all be over very quickly now, and it will be easier for her like this.

Upstairs in the room where the gentleman had just come from, a young girl was lying flat on the bed, her legs still spread wide apart with a chain round one of her ankles, her tearful eyes flat and dull staring up at the ceiling. The horrible man had gone now, finally, after he’d finished doing to her what he’d wanted to

She could feel a burning pain between her legs, and a throbbing ache up inside her tummy, from where the black man’s large penis had been up inside her.

It had hurt so much.

But he’d just kept thrusting and pushing his large penis further and further up inside her. Forcibly opening and stretching her small tight vagina, until eventually he was able to get the full length of his large penis pushed right up inside her.

Once he had achieved full penetration, he started quickly jerking himself back and forth in side her, using her like an animal to satisfy his lust.

She was all wet between her legs now, she knew the man hadn’t used a condom. Blood and sperm were now oozing out of her opened vagina and dribbling down onto the sheet between her legs. she knew she was bleeding from her vagina. the blood frightened her.

She closed her eyes, trying to forget what the horrible old black man had just done to her.


The first time he came into the room, he had sat next to her on the bed and asked her how old she was and what her name was.

He spoke English with a very strong foreign accent. He told her she was a very beautiful young girl and that he liked white girls.

Then the horrible old black man had put his hand on her leg, he even tried to put his hand up under her skirt.

She’d screamed at him and pushed his hand away, jumped up from the bed to get away from him telling him not to touch her. She told him angrily then, that she wasn’t like that, she wasn’t that type of girl. Who did he think he was trying to touch her? he better keep his hands to himself, he was not to touch her again, or he would get into very big trouble from her father and the police,

He left the room then and the girl hoped she would never see the horrible black man again.


Outside the room the black man spoke to the Madam Parker.

He was very pleased with the girl, but he didn’t like it when the girls were difficult, and this proud little white bitch was obviously going to be difficult. She wasn’t going to give up her virtue easily.

He preferred it when the young girls had been prepared beforehand, so they were frightened enough to know what would happen to them if they resisted his advances.


Steffi was frightened now and standing in the corner of the room, she was really upset because the old black man had tried to touch her.

She just wanted to go home. They had kidnapped her the day before yesterday, on her way home from school, she had no idea where she was and what they wanted her for.


The door opened and the women came in. She told her she was a good girl and not to be frightened, the women assured her that nothing was going to happen to her.  

She had a glass of orange with her, Steffi hadn’t had a drink apart from a bottle of water that had been in the room when she was brought here.

 She’d been kept in this room and the door to the toilet was locked today, so she was thirsty and very thankful for the drink, even if it was a very sweet tasting orange juice, she drank it all and emptied the glass.

Then she told the woman that the coloured man wasn’t a very nice person and he had tried to touch her.

The women told her to come and sit on the bed and tell what had happened.

Steffi sat on the bed telling the women that the horrible man had sat next to her on the bed and he’d put his hand on her leg, and he even tried to put his hand up under her skirt.

She started crying and begged the woman to let her go home, her parents would be really worried now, she just wanted to go home.

It was then, that she suddenly felt different, her vision seemed to blur a little bit and her arms and legs started feeling so heavy.

She told the women that she didn’t feel right.

The women was telling her, everything was going to be all right, she was saying, it will all be over very quickly now, and it will be easier for her like this.


Madam Parker still had 4 girls available locked in the rooms up stairs waiting for there buyers to arrive. All 4 had been examined and were certified as virgins.


Room 4  


Brunette sixteen years old



Room 5


Brunette fifteen years old

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© Mike Gritty