
Hassan had every thing ready in the back room for the new girl .



Finaly the shop door opened and the two school girls entered his shop.

Hassan looked at the new girl, he immediately thanked the almighty for sending him such a beautiful young virgin. The girl was stunning, very pretty, she looked so sweet and innocent standing there in her white socks, she had beautiful slim white legs, he was going to enjoy being the first man between those pretty little legs. While the girls looked round the shop, he picked up the water bottle and swallowed the Viagra tablet.


Hassan with a bar of chocolate concealed in his hand walked round the counter and stood in front of the girls. He grabbed the new girls arm and with his other hand he reached inside her blazer pocket and pulled out a bar of chocolate.

“Stealing from me, I won’t tolerate this”  He said loudly, holding the bar of chocolate up.

Still holding the girls arm he continued:

I’m calling the police, I’ve had enough of you young school kids coming into my shop and stealing everything you can.

The girl was shocked, she had never stolen anything in her life, never ever would she steel from anybody, She couldn’t understand how that bar of chocolate had got into her pocket. She started pleading to the man that she hadn’t done it.

Hassan told her “Yes that’s what they all say. Now I’m taking you to my office and then calling the police”

As Hassan pulled and virtually frog-marched the pleading young girl to his backroom, he noticed the other girl quickly leave the shop.

Once in the back room Hassan closed the door behind them. He stood in front of the girl and told her what was now going to happen to her.

“I’m going to call the police, they will then take you to the police station, you will be searched and your parents will be called. You will be charged with theft. expelled from your school and you will have a black mark on your record for the rest of your life”

The girl was frightened now, crying she stammered and pleaded that she was innocent.

Hassan told her:

“I’ll tell you what I’m going to do, you seem like a nice girl, so I’m going too give you a chance. First, take off your blazer and tie so I can search your pockets”

With out question the girl did as she was told. Hassan quickly searched her blazer, then he put handcuffs on her, telling her, he would search her and if he found nothing else he would just punish her for stealing the chocolate, not call the police and let her go. The girl nodded in agreement she didn’t what him to call the police.

With the hand cuffs on he made her sit on the bed, pushing her back on the bed he pulled her handcuffed hands up over hear head and fixed them to the frame at the top of the bed. There was no chance of escape for the young girl now, in this back room nobody would hear her screams, she was now his to do what he wanted too.

Hassan stood by the bed and looked down at the helpless innocent young girl, he admired her beautiful slim white legs, the girl had never had a man between her legs, he knew she was virgin and in a few minutes , he was going to enjoy being the first man between her pretty little legs, already he could feel his penis was getting stiff.

He was going to enjoy taking her innocence, and when he took her virginity he’d make her bleed and then when he’d finally finished with her, he wanted to see plenty of her virgin blood on the white towel that was underneath her, it would make another very nice trophy to hang on his wall of virgins.


Hassan was ready, the video camera was on, he’d already put plenty of lube on his penis, as he knew a young unwilling virgin would be really tight, so the lube would help to make the first penetration easier.


The Viagra tablet was starting to work , not that he really needed it, but it would ensure that he could give the girl a real good long hard fucking.

His balls were full and he was going to fill her young belly with every last drop of sperm he had.

Then when he’d finally finished with her, for the next three or four days she she will be really sore and between her legs and wet because she'd have his sperm dribbling out of her used cunt. That would be a good reminder to her, the girl will never forget how he had taken her virginity and how she was fucked and had her young body used like a receptacle for him to empty his sperm into.


Tracy was really frightened, her hands were now securely handcuffed together above her head to the top of the bed and it was impossible for to pull her hands free. She’d seen how the horrible fat old Pakistani man was staring, leering at her legs, her school skirt had risen up a bit showing her legs, she didn’t like the way the man was looking at her, maybe it would have been better if he’d called the police.

He sat down on the bed beside her and put his hand on her knee. She hated him touching her, she didn’t want to be touched by him. He was telling her not to worry, he wasn’t going to call the police.

He asked her if she had a boyfriend and had she ever been touched by a man. She didn’t understand why he was asking her that. She’d never had a boyfriend and she had certainly never been touched by a man, she wasn’t that sort of girl, and she told him so.

Hassan was enjoying feeling the girls leg, so smooth, young and firm, he especially liked the way she kept her beautiful white legs very tightly pressed together.  Wanting to protect her innocence her virtue, she was a decent girl, and probably intending to save herself for that so called, very special day in her life, a day that would be full of caring, love and respect, it was a dream that most young girls had.

Hassan smiled to himself, in a few minutes he’d pull her pretty little legs wide apart and then he’d enjoy hearing her scream in pain as forced penis inside her and took her precious virginity.

Then as she felt his penis moving back and forth inside as he began using her young body to satisfy his lust, he would take pleasure in seeing the terrible look of shame and despair on her face as she realised that he was taking her innocence, stealing her purity her virtue, totally shattering any dreams she might have had about saving herself.

Hassan was ready now, quickly he undid her blouse, she screamed at him to stop. But he just ignored her, as he opened and pulled her blouse apart exposing her beautiful small firm breasts.

After admiring and feeling her small firm breasts, Hassan put his hands up under skirt and started pulling her panties down.

The girl was frantic screaming at him as he pulled her panties down.

After he got her panties down to her ankles, he took them off one foot so they wouldn’t restrict her legs from being opened, Hassan then climbed onto the bed. Desperately the girl tried to keep her legs together as he forced his knee in between them.

But there was no stopping for Hassan now he was going to have the little bitch weather she liked it or not.

He pushed his knees in between the girls legs, forcing them wide apart, as he positioned him self between her legs the girl got hysterical, wriggling furiously as he pushed her skirt up and pulled the back of her skirt up so her bottom was on the towel, he wanted to be sure her virgin blood would bleed out onto the white towel that was under her bottom.

Hassan pushed his jogging trousers down freeing his erect penis , he put a hand on her chest to keep het still as he bent over her, with his other hand he guided his stiff lubricated penis in between the top of her legs and as the end of his penis touched her and he started rubbing it against her, he told the girl

“ This is going to hurt a little bit now but it will be your punishment for stealing from me”

Tracy was desperate, franticly wriggling, trying to get away for the horrible man on top of her.

Horrified, She’d seen him get his penis out, She’d never seen a man erect penis before, it was enormous, she didn’t think a mans penis would be that big. It looked like a large fat long brown sausage all greasy and shiny, Tracy was still very innocent and naïve not really realising why the mans revolting penis was lubricated.

She felt him between the top of her legs as he started rubbing it against her.

She pleaded and begged the man to stop and get off her, he’d told her, this was her punishment for steeling from him. But she hadn’t stolen anything.


Hassa put his hand flat on her chest, with his weight behind it to keep her still as he guided his penis into position between the top of her legs, quickly the end of his penis found the small tight entrance to the young girls vagina.


She squirmed underneath him, desperately trying to move away from what felt like a hard stick that was now prodding her between the top of her legs.

He had one hand on her chest to stop her from moving  as he used his other hand between her legs to push the stick harder against her. It was hurting now as he started to try and push it into her vagina.

"Stop it. No. Your hurting me". She cried out to him, wiggling franticly trying to move and get away from the prodding stick between her legs.

He started to push harder, trying to  force the tip of his penis inside her.

He could feel how tight the small entrance to  her vagina was. He held his penis to keep it rigid as he pushed harder.

The girl cried out that he was hurting her.

He stopped for a moment, sternly telling the girl: “just lay still and keep your legs apart then it wont hurt so much”


Pushing again, harder, now he could feel the girls hymen like elastic stretching tightly round the tip of his penis preventing him from entering her further.

He griped his penis holding it tightly to stop it from bending as he pushed really hard to try and force his penis in the tight little bitch.

Hassan  felt the elastic tightness round the tip of his penis begin to give a little bit. The girl started screaming in pain as she felt her hymen begin to tear.

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© Mike Gritty